Reach for Home

Reach for Home

Reach for Home understands that the greatest reduction in homeless populations occurs when there are established relationships between healthcare, housing services and treatment. Conversely, in areas of the county with limited services, including North County,...
Dear Neighbor,

Dear Neighbor,

“Dear neighbor, Thank you for the masks you made for me and my brother they are nice. I will use it every time I go outside and play on my scooter or skateboard. Thank youfrom Aaron“ Maxine Bate recently received this handwritten note from Aaron thanking her for...
Cloverdale needs YOU!

Cloverdale needs YOU!

So many of you have asked me how can we help, what can we do? Let’s stand up and help out our community. “MY TURN” We need volunteers at the food distributions events. These usually take place on Sundays and Mondays. Location: Citrus Fairgrounds Time...
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