Cloverdale Library Curbside Service

Cloverdale Library Curbside Service

Meet one of the faces of Sonoma County Library, Cloverdale branch. Donna Romeo. You will see her or one of her team mate’ssmiling eyes when you come to pick up your items at the Library’s Curbside service. Curbside service is available from 10-3.Comments, questions,...
CPAC Fundraiser

CPAC Fundraiser

This beautiful Mini Cooper was generously donated to the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center by Maeta Emmons to sell as a Fund Raiser. This 2004 Mini Cooper S, 2 door hatch back has only 25,600 miles and the interior and paint are like new, and has new tires and a 6...
Feeding our Community

Feeding our Community

The Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center and the Redwood Empire Food Bank in partnership to feed our...
United States Census 2020

United States Census 2020

WHY THE 2020 CENSUS MATTERS Every 10 years, people across the country and in California fill out the Census in order to have an accurate count of all people in the United States. The Census determines California’s federal funding for important community services that...

Cloverdale Food Resource List

Cloverdale Senior Center Connect Program – Food distribution for seniors age 60+, 2nd and 4th Thursday, 707-894-482612:30 – 1:30 pm Meals for Children – School District provides meals for children under 18 years Find school lunch sites here:...
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