Drive Thru Crab Feed Dec 5th

Drive Thru Crab Feed Dec 5th

Cloverdale Kiwanis are being extra creative this year in altering what is their annual major fundraiser, The Crab Feed.It’s a “Drive Thru” event this year on Saturday, December 5th at the Cloverdale Citrus Fair. Here are the details: A $45 ticket includes 3 pounds of...


COVID-19 TESTING EXPANDS COUNTY OFFERS FREE MONTHLY TESTING Alexander Valley Healthcare is offering drive-up/walk-upCOVID-19 testing every Monday, 8:30 am – 10:30 am at theAVH Medical Center, 6 Tarman Drive. Testing is reserved for residents from Geyserville,...


FLU SHOTS NOW AVAILABLEWEEKDAYS, 9 AM-4 PM Alexander Valley Healthcare is offering drive-up flu shots starting Oct. 5. The shots are by appointment only, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm. Call 707-894-4229 to make an appointment. When arriving at the AVH Medical Center, 6...
“Through the Garden Gate”

“Through the Garden Gate”

The Green Thumb Garden Club presents“Through the Garden Gate” Saturday, May 1, 2021, 10 am – 3 pmCloverdale’s “Green Thumb Garden Club” is planning a multi-house garden tour in May of next year. The tour will in-clude many gardens and artwork. The tour is in the...
Holiday Happenings!

Holiday Happenings!

Nov. 14, Saturday, Knights of ColumbusPolenta & Chicken scholarship fundraiserSt. Peter’s Church, drive thru or delivered,$20 in advance, $25 at door, 894-2514 Starting Nov.15, Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale is selling See’s Candy.Purchase See’s candy at the...
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