Cloverdale Kiwanis are being extra creative this year in altering what is their annual major fundraiser, The Crab Feed.It’s a “Drive Thru” event this year on Saturday, December 5th at the Cloverdale Citrus Fair. Here are the details: A $45 ticket includes 3 pounds of...
COVID-19 TESTING EXPANDS COUNTY OFFERS FREE MONTHLY TESTING Alexander Valley Healthcare is offering drive-up/walk-upCOVID-19 testing every Monday, 8:30 am – 10:30 am at theAVH Medical Center, 6 Tarman Drive. Testing is reserved for residents from Geyserville,...
FLU SHOTS NOW AVAILABLEWEEKDAYS, 9 AM-4 PM Alexander Valley Healthcare is offering drive-up flu shots starting Oct. 5. The shots are by appointment only, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm. Call 707-894-4229 to make an appointment. When arriving at the AVH Medical Center, 6...
The Green Thumb Garden Club presents“Through the Garden Gate” Saturday, May 1, 2021, 10 am – 3 pmCloverdale’s “Green Thumb Garden Club” is planning a multi-house garden tour in May of next year. The tour will in-clude many gardens and artwork. The tour is in the...
Nov. 14, Saturday, Knights of ColumbusPolenta & Chicken scholarship fundraiserSt. Peter’s Church, drive thru or delivered,$20 in advance, $25 at door, 894-2514 Starting Nov.15, Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale is selling See’s Candy.Purchase See’s candy at the...