It’s the February issue, so be sure to check-out the annual LOVE album as we celebrate Valentine’s Day all month long – “put a little love in your heart”.

With another round of mandates, mask wearing, limiting groups, increased cases, stay at home orders, confusing advisories, changing school policies, travel cautions, many of us are feeling it emotionally. Be nice, be kind, be patient with other people. If you feel like saying something mean or critical or feel like snapping at another person keep your mouth closed and instead take my friend Paul Slaikeu’s suggestion when he found himself feeling impatient with another person in a local parking lot recently:

“It made me commit to myself to do my best to continue to be kind and thoughtful of others in these stressful times.”

Let’s be better people to each another. Try it for a month, okay?

I’ll see you around town!​


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