My family and I have been members of the Cloverdale Community for over forty years and in business here for over thirty. In my years as a member of the City Council, I have been instrumental in the completion of many projects, including the Highway 101 bypass, Senior...
Melanie Bagby Since elected in 2016, I’ve prioritized our city infrastructure and the vital planning for a changing climate and economy, never backed away from difficult community discussions or hard decisions, and represented you on regional boards fighting for our...
(Virtual Meeting) Thursday September 10th, 10-11am, Mayor Gus Wolter will recap the city council meeting of the night before and share what the city and the council have been doing during our recent Walbridge Fire. Thursday September 24th 10-11am, Mayor Gus Wolter...
WHY THE 2020 CENSUS MATTERS Every 10 years, people across the country and in California fill out the Census in order to have an accurate count of all people in the United States. The Census determines California’s federal funding for important community services that...