Cloverdale Municipal Airport: Infrastructure Improvements to Support Growth City Manager Kevin Thompson As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing Cloverdale’s infrastructure, the Public Works Department is leading a series of critical upgrades at Cloverdale...
City Updates A Message from the Mayor: “Recently I was sworn in for my second term on the Cloverdale City Council and chosen to represent our city as Mayor. Serving as the mayor for the past three years has been one of the greatest honors of my life. It has also been...
My name is Trevor Ambrosini and I am running for City Council! I have been fortunate to call Cloverdale my home for the last 10 years. In 2019, I was able to open a coffee shop here in town and the response from the Community was incredible. I am excited for this...
November 2024 Ballot Measures Overview Cloverdale City Council Opposes Measure J The Cloverdale City Council has unanimously adopted a resolution opposing Measure J, a pivotal measure on the upcoming November ballot. Measure J, known as the “Sonoma County...
Creek Week 2024 September is here, and that means it’s CREEK WEEK in the Russian River Watershed! We’re excited to join international, national, and local efforts to highlight the importance of clean water and to promote community cleanups of our local...
Cloverdale Connect: November 2024 Ballot Measures Overview The City makes great strides to keep you informed about the various departments and initiatives that contribute to our shared progress in Cloverdale. In this edition, we bring you updates on the proposed...