by Christy Latchford

Can we all take a moment and agree in a collective halleluyah that Fall has finally arrived? I think we can all agree that when the late summer heat wave hit last month, those with air conditioning were beyond grateful and those without deserve some sort of prize for surviving.
I think perhaps it is also that after the last two years of which many of us are still reeling that my inner child who loves Christmas has been rearing her head again desperately wanting attention; sorry little one…you must wait a bit longer. First, we must take the time to enjoy the blessed arrival of Fall!

October is classically the month my mom starts arriving home from her morning pup walk with handfuls of leaves to decorate and pay homage to her favorite season. This year I felt the tug towards that as well, but my practical side has always resisted due to their short life once picked. Googling about I ran across an article on how to make waxed Fall leaves, oh my!

What does one need to make this happen you ask? Leaves, paraffin wax and a crock pot (or warmer of some type). Could it be that simple? Yes. Paraffin wax or bee’s wax melted (not boiling) is perfect for dredging leaves through (once or twice) to preserve both color and form for several weeks! I will give a recommendation here as well that using clothespins to suspend leaves whilst drying helps to keep wax from settling into natural curves and looking clumpy. The soft texture once leaves dry is divine and as long as kept out of the sun to prevent the wax from remelting, will keep the vibrant colors of Fall alive until my inner child wins out and the explosion of Christmas takes over…

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