Cloverdale Connect: November 2024 Ballot Measures Overview

We’re excited to bring you an update on the upcoming November 5, 2024 Election. Two significant local measures will likely be presented to Cloverdale voters. The first measure involves the amendment and extension of the City Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), while the second measure will likely propose a 3/4 cent sales tax increase to generate additional revenue for essential city services. This article provides an in-depth overview of these measures to inform and educate voters.
Proposed Sales Tax Measure
The City Council is considering placing measure on the ballot to generate additional revenue to address Cloverdale’s critical financial needs. This measure is pivotal for maintaining and enhancing the city’s infrastructure and services, particularly in parks, streets, and public safety.

Financial Context:
Like many cities, Cloverdale has been facing budget deficits and significant funding needs for essential services and infrastructure maintenance, in part due to significant inflation in recent years. The city’s General Fund, which supports a wide range of services, has been stretched thin, often relying on budget reserves to bridge gaps. The Long-Term Financial Forecast and 5-Year Capital Infrastructure Plan have highlighted these challenges, underscoring the necessity for additional revenue sources. The City’s financial needs include, but are not limited to:
Road Repairs. 1/3 of the City’s roads are rated in poor or very poor condition. Over the next five years it will cost an estimated $5 million to maintain the current condition of the City roads, and almost $31 million to bring all City roads up to fair or good condition.

Pedestrian & Safety Improvements. The City currently has over $1 million dollars in unfunded pedestrian and safety improvements projects for the next two years, such as sidewalks along Asti Road and restriping of Cloverdale Blvd.

Park Improvements. The City has identified over $2.5 million of planned improvements at City Parks, in addition to ongoing maintenance and repair costs for existing park facilities and equipment.

Public Safety. The City’s Police Station is in very poor condition and needs to be replaced. The cost of replacement is over $10 million, including at least $250,000 for design and planning. The Police Department also has ongoing needs for vehicles and equipment to be replaced regularly.

Proposed Sales Tax Increase:
The City Council has considered different potential revenue measures to help fund these critical needs, including a potential increase in the sales tax. Cities may enact sales tax increases, the revenue from which remains completely with the City. Cloverdale is one of only two cities in Sonoma County which has not enacted a local sales tax measure. Seven cities in Sonoma County have enacted local sales tax measures ranging from ½ cent to 1 cent. A ¾ cent ($.0075) sales tax increase would generate approximately $1.66 million annually for the City. This entire amount would stay within Cloverdale, and no portion would be shared with the County or State.

Council Consideration:
At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 24, 2024, the City Council will vote on whether or not to place a ¾ cent sales tax increase on the November to fund infrastructure repairs and critical services. Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting to hear more information on the City’s financial condition, and provide their feedback on the measure. The potential sales tax measure would require simple majority (50%+1) support to pass.

Urban Growth Boundary Amendment and Extension
The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is a component of Cloverdale’s land-use planning strategy. Established by Measure G in 2010, the UGB delineates the area within which urban development can occur, thereby preserving the surrounding rural and agricultural lands.

Background and Need for Amendment:
In recent years, there has been increased interest in limited development of land areas just outside the current UGB, particularly from organizations like Clearwater Ranch, who serves families of individuals with developmental disabilities. This non-profit adult care facility, located off Cherry Creek Road, has faced limitations due to its location outside the UGB and the city’s Sphere of Influence, restricting its access to city services, such as water and sewer. Clearwater Ranch, along with other property owners in the western hills, have expressed a desire to amend the UGB to allow for future annexation and expansion. In addition, the City’s two major open spaces areas are currently outside of City limits and therefore the City is required to pay significant annual property taxes to the County for these properties. On June 12, the City Council vote 5-0 to place a measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot to amend the boundaries of, and extend the term of, the UGB

Proposed Changes:
The proposed ballot measure has two components:

  1. Modify the UGB Location: The measure amends the location of the UGB to include areas in the western hills adjacent to Cloverdale’s current City boundaries. This extension is designed to bring properties like Clearwater Ranch within the UGB, facilitating future annexation and development under city, rather than County, zoning and development standards. This shift would facilitate the city retaining control over development, aligning it with Cloverdale’s goals of preserving the western hillside while allowing for some limited expansion.
  2. Extend the UGB Term: Currently, any changes to the UGB before January 1, 2030 require voter approval. The proposed measure will extend this date to January 1, 2050.

If approved, the measure would bring additional areas within the UGB. Those areas could then move forward with the process of being annexed into the City. The annexation process is governed by the Sonoma County Local Agency Formation Commission (“Sonoma County LAFCo”). When property annexes into the City, it is subject to Cloverdale’s development standards, rather than the County’s. The City’s development standards emphasize preserving the character and environment of the western hills. Additionally, property that is annexed into the City can receive City services, including water and sewer.

Voter Consideration:
The question presented to voters will be:

“Shall an Ordinance be adopted to extend the term of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary by 20 years and modify the City’s Urban Growth Boundary to include the western hillside adjacent to the City’s existing boundary to facilitate City rather than County control over development in this area to further the City’s goal of preserving the hillside from significant new development?”

A simple majority (50%+1) is required for the measure to pass. Approval would mark the beginning of a lengthy process involving amendments to the City’s Sphere of Influence and subsequent annexation procedures, subject to Sonoma County LAFCO’s approval.

General Municipal Election Information:
For comprehensive information regarding the November 5, 2024, General Municipal Election, including details about local ballot measures, voter resources, and campaign guidelines, please visit This dedicated webpage will serve as your go-to resource as we approach the election date. Be sure to check back regularly for updates and important announcements.

Stay Informed and Engaged:
As members of the Cloverdale community, your participation in the electoral process is vital. Whether you’re casting your vote, considering a run for office, or simply staying informed about local governance, your engagement contributes to the vibrancy and strength of our city. Every individual vote truly does make a significant impact on the results! Your vote matters! We look forward to a successful and spirited General Municipal Election on November 5, 2024. Together, let’s continue to shape the future of Cloverdale.

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