February 06, 1991 – January 05, 2008
Courtney (our shining star from above)
You always loved the celestial. It was so great when you were younger to go in your bedroom and see the glow in the dark stars all over your ceiling and all the sun, moon and star things you had everywhere.
What does it mean to be celestial? Celestial beings are those that either exist in space amongst the stars and amongst the only one true being; God …or that live in heaven called angels.
So, it was so fitting to receive a letter, sixteen years ago, from the International Star Registry stating that a star in the
Heavens has been named in memoriam.
Dated; January 05, 2008; The star name- Courtney Davis; located in the Andromeda constellation with all the
coordinates included.

The “Make A Wish Foundation” purchased this touching and heartwarming surprise for us; as they do for all
children, who are registered with them, and pass from serious illnesses. They are a wonderful organization who brought our daughter joy amidst her struggle with cancer by granting her Make A Wish.
One clear evening, we were very excited to view her star at the Robert Ferguson Observatory.
Even though we can’t see you Courtney, we know you’re still with us…you will forever twinkle in every light.
We’re gonna love you until the Heavens stop the rain.
We’re gonna love you until the stars fall from the sky.
Dad and Mom ~ “Life is only as bad as you make it”