A Dog Park Is Coming to Cloverdale!
City Manager David Kelley
The search for a site to accommodate a new dog Park is finally over! After a multi-year search for a location, the city is moving forward with the construction of a new community dog park at 501 S. Asti Road. The project site, located just south of the Train Depot on Asti Road, is owned by the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART). The City collaborated with SMART on a License Agreement that enables the City to use the SMART property for the new park. The proposed dog park is positioned on underutilized open space that will provide Cloverdale residents a safe place for their dogs to play off leash while accommodating freeway travelers looking for a place to stop with their canine companions.
Project Budget and Design
In February of 2023, the City Council approved a budget of $245,000 for the design and construction of a new dog park including an accessible entrance path. The proposed dog park is designed to be approximately 12,500 square feet (250 in length X 50 feet wide), which is comparable to neighboring cities’ parks, and is a generous space for our four-legged friends. In terms of amenities, the site will be totally enclosed with new fencing, and new water service will be extended to the site to provide fresh drinking water. The site will be graded, drainage installed, and dog friendly mulch will be spread across the site. A total of 30 trees are to be planted along the west side of the park. That, and in time, will provide lots of shade and a landscape buffer from the adjacent roadway and train track. Although not currently in the plans now, the installation of the restroom could occur in the future.
The city solicited bids for the construction of the project in August. On September 13th, the Council awarded a construction agreement to local contractor Andersen Excavating for grading the site, installation of water service and construction of the accessible entrance pathway. The first thing you’ll see is the construction of the ADA ramp that will extend from the existing parking lot at the SMART station to the entrance to the park. Once the path construction is complete, a 5-foot-high fence will be installed with a double gate to provide safe entrance to the park. Expect to see work commencing in early October of 2023, with an estimated completion date of late 2023.
Existing parking at the Train Depot will provide ample parking spaces while the newly constructed pathway will enable quick access to the newly constructed park entrance. We expect the new dog park to provide a much needed play area for our furry friends with the amenities to support an enjoyable experience for dog owners. In addition, we are optimistic that the park will be an attractive amenity that enlivens the Train Depot and brings new people to town who will spend time and patronize our businesses.
The construction of a dog park is the culmination of investments made by the City Council in park improvements including new Pickleball Courts at Furber Park, new basketball courts and bag toss (cornhole) at Second Street City Park, a new restroom and park benches at Plaza Park as well as new open space. The addition of new parks and facilities represents the Council commitment to support the health and wellness of our community.
Benefits of Dog Ownership
According to a recent article from The Trust for Public Land, “…the hottest new city park issue to hit America (is) the skyrocketing support for creating places to let dogs run free…”. Cloverdale has witnessed an increase in demand for park and exercise areas including off-leash dog parks. Increased dog ownership is a societal phenomenon that has further spurred Cloverdale’s Parks & Recreation Team to work with our many constituents to satisfy dog owners and non-dog owners in their desires and needs for parks and open space.

Having a dog is a positive step towards a healthy lifestyle. Pets offer a wide range of benefits to their owners and to society as a whole. Here are some of the key benefits of having dogs:
- Companionship: Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship. They provide emotional support and can help alleviate loneliness, depression, and anxiety in their owners.
- Physical Activity: Owning a dog encourages physical activity. Regular walks, playtime, and outdoor activities with your dog promote exercise and help keep owners active and fit.
- Stress Reduction: Interacting with dogs has been shown to reduce stress levels and lower blood pressure. Petting a dog can trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and relaxation.
- Social Interaction: Dog owners often find it easier to socialize and meet new people. Dogs are natural conversation starters, and taking your dog to parks or social events can lead to meaningful interactions
with others. - Security and Protection: Many dogs serve as loyal and protective companions. They can provide a sense of security for their owners and deter potential intruders.
- Emotional Support: Dogs have an uncanny ability to sense their owner’s emotions. They can offer comfort during times of sadness or distress and provide unconditional love.
- Routine and Responsibility: Owning a dog establishes a daily routine that includes feeding, exercise, and care. This can instill a sense of responsibility and structure in a person’s life.
- Watching your pet play having a good time is good for you, if for no other reason than it makes you happy. We look forward to you being able to have a seat at the new Cloverdale Dog Park and simply play and relax.
Measure M Funding for the New Dog Park
The City used Measure M, Parks funds to help pay for the Dog Park project. On November 6th, 2018, Sonoma County voters approved Measure M a one-eighth cent sales tax (0.125%) to support County’s Regional and City Parks for 10 years. The city is grateful for the voters’ approval of these funds which have enabled the City to fund key investments in the City’s parks system. The entire community of Cloverdale including the surrounding unincorporated area benefit from Measure M funding. In Cloverdale, youth (School aged children) and adult sports leagues benefit from enhanced maintenance of our parks, fields, and facilities. In addition, the residents of northern Sonoma County routinely make use of our parks and facilities including hiking and bicycle trails, picnic areas, play fields while fostering a healthy environment for native plant and animal species who also call the parks their home.
If you have any questions about the new dog park, please contact Kevin Thompson, Assistant City Manager / Community Development Director at (707) 894-1723 or e-mail at kthompson@ci.cloverdale.ca.us or. If you are interested in volunteering on a future park project, please contact Parks Superintendent, Hector Galvan at (707) 894-1707 or by e-mail at hglavan@ci.cloverdale.ca.us.
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