City of Cloverdale March 2023
Update on City of Cloverdale’s Park & Recreation Projects eXperience Cloverdale Parks Today! City Manager David Kelley Our Cloverdale Community Development and Parks Department have delivered some exciting new park elements and continue to make progress on...
City of Cloverdale’s Two-Year Budget
In June 2022, the City Council adopted a two-year budget for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, and July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The two-year budget consisting of two one-year budgets is referred to collectively as the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-24 Budget. This is the first time in recent history that the City has developed and adopted a two-year budget.
City of Cloverdale Jan. 23
City of Cloverdale Well Replacement and Rehabilitation Project City Manager David Kelley Improving Water Supply Infrastructure to Support our Drought Response Cloverdale is committed to increasing the City’s resiliency to cope with and respond to drought...