Nicole Garcia Hinchliffe – Candidate for City Council

Nicole Garcia Hinchliffe – Candidate for City Council

Nicole Garcia Hinchliffe As a child of small business owners, I know the importance of community relations and I have seen, firsthand, the struggles that small businesses balance. Small businesses are the engine to community economics. As a United States Air Force...

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Jenny Candelaria-Orr – Candidate for City Council

Jenny Candelaria-Orr – Candidate for City Council

Jenny Candelaria-Orr Cloverdale has been my home for the past six years. It is very similar to the small town that I grew up loving, which is why my husband and I decided to raise our daughter, Isla, here. As an educator of thirteen years, I have an objective mindset...

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Mary Ann Brigham – Candidate for City Council

Mary Ann Brigham – Candidate for City Council

My family and I have been members of the Cloverdale Community for over forty years and in business here for over thirty. In my years as a member of the City Council, I have been instrumental in the completion of many projects, including the Highway 101 bypass, Senior...

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