Thank you everyone for volunteering and supporting our first 4th of July Parade which included Cloverdale’s 150th anniversary, produced by the Cloverdale Chamber and the Cloverdale Citrus Fair.
We still are enjoying Friday Night Live through Sept. 2nd. Then it’s time for the Cloverdale Car & Motorcycle Show Saturday, Sept. 10th, with a “drive-in” movie at the Cloverdale Airport on Friday, the 9th 6 p.m. AVFilm is presenting “Grease,” a multi-generational favorite! Saturday, from 8 to 11:30am our Cloverdale Senior Multi-Purpose Center hosts the Pancake Breakfast. Cloverdale’s downtown will be filled with classic and many one-of-a kind cars, trucks and motorcycles from 10am-4pm.
Saturday, Sept. 17th the Cloverdale Citrus Fair will be presenting “CloverFest” Beer Festival. Lots to do coming up in Cloverdale!