Have you been walking around Cloverdale and you look down and see a little decorated door in a corner or a brightly painted rock left in a surprising place? That’s the joy spread by the Cloverdale Fairy Door and Painted Rocks group. They find creative places and with permission, create little fairy door vignettes, creating joy for the discoverer. They also paint rocks and hide them around town bringing excitement to whoever finds them. If you find one of the rocks, be sure to look on the back to see what it says and of course, take a photo and post it on their Facebook page “Cloverdale Rocks & Fairies”.
Local residents Marissa, Lynn, Debbie, Dennis and Linda encourage everyone to join the fun. They have clear guidelines for both the fairy doors and the painted rocks to keep people, birds and animals safe and remain good neighbors in our community. Why not join in the fun and paint a rock or create a door – you’ll find all the information you need to participate on the Cloverdale Rocks & Fairies Facebook page.
Put on your mask, go outside, get some fresh air and take a stroll around Cloverdale. Use this Fairy Door map to guide you and see how many you can find. Each month we will feature a new door or rock – see if you can locate it in town. One of this month’s photos is a colorful July 4th fairy door and rocks near Plank Coffee. Join in the fun and happy hunting!