Dana Johnson

From the Editor

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light,
and winter in the shade”
Charles Dickens

Put the patio cushions out or bring them in? That’s the March question. As soon as I put them out, the rain comes. I always jump the gun in Spring as I’m so ready to sit outside in the warm sun and read. Happy Spring, everyone! We all enjoyed a drizzly Citrus Fair, and now it’s time to kick off the Little League Season.

Just a quick acknowledgement to our growing group of Cloverdale Connect Champions. We are so grateful for your extraordinary support of the paper. You all truly make a difference. For me, the most heart-warming aspects are the wonderful, personal notes that people send with their gifts. Thank you, Cloverdale community, for your appreciation of Cloverdale Connect.

I’ll see you around town!




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Cloverdale Connect Published monthly, 6750 – direct mail distribution  and at participating merchants

Editor, Publisher, Advertising:
Dana Johnson  707.322.3403


Graphic Designer, Comptroller:
Vickie Norris

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Turkey à la King Recipe

Turkey à la King Recipe

Cooking with David Maciel Sponsored by Ray’s Food Place, Furber PlazaIn November we celebrate one of my favorite holidays. Thanksgiving. I love the smell of a roasting turkey and like most families there is always plenty of leftovers. My mom aways used the leftover...

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In Memory Tamarind Blackmon Driver

In Memory Tamarind Blackmon Driver

“Time does not dim your star, nor our memory of you. May you rest in peace.”Tamarind Blackmon Driver passed away on 11/3/2018, born 11/14/1997. He lived his entire life in Cloverdale and attended all 3 schools there, graduating from Cloverdale High School in 2015. He...

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Cheesy Gourmet Pigs In A Blankets Recipe

Cheesy Gourmet Pigs In A Blankets Recipe

Cooking with David Maciel Sponsored by Ray’s Food Place, Furber PlazaWhen our son was little, I always looked for an easy dinner on Halloween like pigs in a blanket. I put a twist on this recipe to give it a more gourmet taste that should satisfy any appetite. These...

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Cloverdale Connect Published monthly, 6300 – direct mail distribution  and at participating merchants

Editor, Publisher, Advertising:
Dana Johnson  707.322.3403


Graphic Designer, Comptroller:
Vickie Norris

Advertise Your Business for Just Pennies per Household

Ad space reservation and artwork submission DEADLINE the third FRIDAY of each month

Distribution 6,550 Copies
Every Month

Direct mailed via USPS each month FREE to all mailboxes, post office boxes and businesses in the greater Cloverdale area. Additional print copies are also available at Plank Coffee, Dahlia & Sage Community Market, The UPS Store, the Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce, Pick’s Drive In, 7-11 Convenience Store and the World Mark Resort in Windsor.

Want a subscription to the print edition for out-of-town friends or relatives? Just $60 per year – Subscribe at right or email info@cloverdaleconnect.com. Digital subscriptions are $38 per year (Subscribe on right) also available below and on Issues.


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